- Basics of C Programming
- C Programming
- IO Functions
- Control Statements
- Arrays
- Functions
- Structure and Union
- Pointers
- File Management
- OOPS Concept
- Introduction to C++
- Class and Objects
- Dynamic Memory Management
- Constructors and Destructors
- Inheritance
- Virtual Functions and Dynamic Polymorphism
- Stream Handling
- Operator Overloading
- Type Conversion, New Style Casts, and RTTI
- Templates & Exception Handling
- Arrays
- Functions
- Strings
- Structure And Union
- Pointers In C
- C - Files
- Stack & Queue
- Recursion
- Dynamic Memory Allocation
- Linked Lists & Trees
- Overview of HTML
- Formatting text with HTML
- Adding Links in HTML
- Adding Graphics
- Lists & Tables in HTML
- Frames & Forms in HTML
- Types of Style Sheets
- Inheritance and Cascading Order
- Formatting Text and Fonts
- Formatting Colors and Backgrounds
- Exploring CSS Class and ID Attributes
- Positioning Block-Level Elements
- Javascript, Elements, Objects & Validation
- Browser object Model
- Intoduction To Java
- Classes and objects
- Inheritance
- Exceptions
- Applets
- Multithreaded Programming
- Event Handling
- Swings
- J2EE Overview
- Servlet
- Enterprise Java Beans
- Introduction of Web
- Introduction of PHP
- Installation overview
- Embedding PHP code on a page
- Exploring Data Types
- Control Structures
- User-Defined Functions
- Debugging
- Building Web Pages with PHP
- Working with Forms and Form Data
- Working with Cookies and Sessions
- MySQL Basics
- Using PHP to Access MySQL
- Building a Content Management System (CMS)
- Net Framework and Fundamentals
- Basics of C# Language
- Delegates and Events
- Exception handling and Multithreading
- Windows Forms in C#
- Working with Basic Controls
- Handling common Events for Windows Forms & Controls
- Database access with ADO.Net
- Data Binding in Windows Forms
- Introduction to ASP.Net and Web forms
- ASP.Net Lifecycle and Lifecycle events
- State Management techniques of ASP.net
- ASP.Net Web Server Controls
- Validation Controls
- Designing websites with master page
- Database Access in ASP.Net
- Data Binding in ASP.Net Web Applications